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Frio Bat Flight

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There are so many things that make Texas unique. Our way of life, our customs, our vast landscapes and hospitality. It’s no wonder that those who are not from here, or have never visited, are so intrigued with our way of life. From the Piney Woods of East Texas, the flat lands of Odessa, the coastal region of our deep south, or the mountains of Big Bend, residents and visitors will never run out of places to experience our way of life. It can be said that one can spend a lifetime inside the borders of Texas and never have a dull moment. With each issue of Texas Life Magazine, our desire is to highlight destinations across our amazing state that we hope you will take the time to visit. These destinations can be from unique restaurants in our many ghost towns, museums that exhibit the greatness of our history, places to relax and rejuvenate your soul, new family adventures, the ghost lights of Marfa, and the list goes on. Our hope is that you as the reader will discover destinations that you never knew existed, and plan your next family excursion to these amazing locations.

This issues “Texas Life Travels” destination is to Sabinal, Texas and the Frio Bat Flight. Deep in the heart of the Hill Country of Texas, the Frio Bat Cave is an experience that visitors will never forget. How could you? When you arrive and make the walk to the opening of the bat cave, Batman pun intended, you can sense the excitement from the other visitors that something amazing is about to take place. When the exodus of the bats begin, you will understand why. The Frio Bat Cave is home to an estimated 10-12 million bats. It is known as the second largest single mammal population in the world, and the second largest open to the public. The majority of the bats found inside the cave are Mexican Free-tailed bats, named the “Texas State Flying Mammal”. The cave is a maternity colony, which means that the majority of the free-tailed bats in the cave are female, and have come here to give birth and raise their young. There are two other species of bat that call the Frio Bat Cave home. Their populations are much smaller and are found in clusters among the free-tails. They are known as the Cave Myotis, and the Peter’s Ghost Faced Bat.

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The Frio Bat Cave has only been explored to a depth of 1/2 mile. No explorations can go further due to the vast amounts of guano (bat feces) inside the cave. You will understand why when you approach the opening of the cave. There is an intense odor of ammonia that exists several feet from the cave. The property that cave sits upon is now part of the Annandale Ranch. This is a single family owned ranch that covers approximately 10,000 acres. The ranch has been owned by the same family for over 100 years. When visiting, let your mind wonder to a time when Texas was a vast landscape that only American Indians and brave explores knew. A time that knew not of concrete, domestication and settlers. A time that formed the very existence of what Texas is known for across the world, our seclusion, our independence, and our desire to be self-reliable men and women free on God’s creation.

We will all come and go, but amazing places like the Frio Bat Cave, and the Hill Country of Texas, have been experienced by those many years before our time, and will be experienced by those many years after we are gone. Take the time, take the beautiful drive, and soak in the experience of what the Frio Bat Cave has to teach us all. Let go of your worries, let go of your thoughts of money, work and everyday life. Let your mind go to a place of relaxation and amazement that so many before us have experienced before. When you stand at the opening of the Frio Bat Cave, and have bats soar so close to your head that you could literally reach up and grab a piece of our history, how could you ever want to be anywhere else? The Frio Bat Cave is located in beautiful Sabinal, Texas. You can visit their website at http://annandaleranch.com/frio-bat-cave/ or call and make your reservations at 830-988-2202.

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